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Welcome to CTRS

Before beginning the steps, please join the CTRS Discord if you have not already done so.

All subscribers are REQUIRED to be part of the Discord.


  • Raspberry Pi 3 or newer with Raspbian Legacy 32-bit (armv71) installed. Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 with more than 4GB of RAM may default to 64-bit; however, users should continue to attempt installation of the approved image.
  • Terminal Access to the selected Pi via local keyboard or another remote protocol (e.g., PuTTY, Windows PowerShell).
  • If you do not use the recommended USB conversion board (See the Recommended Hardware list), several small jumper wires.
  • Basic Linux Knowledge or knowledge of where to find resources through the Internet.

You need a Raspberry Pi and one hotspot board in DVRS mode, or two hotspots and either two Raspberry Pis, one Pi and one USB board, or any Linux host and two USB boards to use the system. USB boards are recommended as the better way to flash new firmware on your board.

Technical Support

If you require any support with completing this process, or would like to join the system, please visit the CTRS Discord where you can ask your questions or open a support ticket through Jira.