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Keyloading a Motorola radio

APX Series (Software keyloading)


  • Programming cable
  • KFDTool
  • Radio Feature Sets (either combination is supported, however you will be limited to the algorithm(s) in your flashcode).
    • QA06653 SW-AES
    • QA07949 DES Software Crypto
    • Q667 Advanced Digital Privacy

CPS Configuration

Secure Configuration > Secure Wide

  • General:
    • Secure Operation: Software
    • Secure Algorithms:
      • Check the boxes for the algorithms you will be loading (as available in the radio's flashcode)
    • Keyloading Source: KVL
  • Encryption Key List:
    • Create as many rows matching the number of keys you will be loading
    • Key Name should match the keys you will be loading for easy identification
    • CKR# needs to be in the decimal format value

Trunking Configuration > Trunking Personality

Select the Personality that contains the Talkgroups you will be assigning the keys to.

  • Talkgroup Per talkgroup
    • Secure / Clear Strapping: Select or Secure depending on your system's requirements
    • Key Select: <Assign your key>

KFDTool Configuration

Multi Key Load

Make sure you have your .ekc file


  1. Download KFDTool from the above link
  2. Unzip the compressed file (No installation needed)
  3. Connect your APX radio via USB programming cable
  4. Select Container > Open
  5. Navigate to your downloaded .ekc file and open it.
  6. Enter the password for your file.
  7. Select P25 KFD > Multiple Keyload from the top navigation bar
  8. Select the keys from the "Available" list and click Add.
  9. Click Load.
  10. Your radio should beep momentarily and then reboot.


If you receive a key length error, check the following

  • The number of entries in the Secure section table matches the number of keys you are trying to load.
  • The CKR is correct for each key.